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Legacy LifeLines™ is Our Unique Client Update and Maintenance Program!
We are a family owned, family focused, professional law firm working to help families just like yours achieve peace of mind! We offer long-term relationships; not just legal work. We care for our client families and they care about us.
We aspire to the highest ethical and professional behavior; leading to quality of life and dignity for our client families. Here is what you can expect:
- Family specific, unique estate plans; personal to you and yours
- Tender assistance for grieving families who have lost a loved one and are trying to navigate the maze of hurdles resulting from that loss
- Assistance for our much appreciated and often over-looked Veterans and senior citizens.
PLEASE call for your no-charge, no-obligation initial consultation!
CLICK the link below to learn more about our Legacy LifeLines™ preferred client program and about the exclusive, no cost benefit offered only to program members – DocuBank’s Advance Directive(s) Storage and Retrieval – it can help in a crisis or for every day access!
Our Professional Team
Educational Workshops
Does Everyone Need a Revocable Trust?
Why A Will is not Enough
(view schedule)
Estate Settlement Workshop
(view schedule)
Latest Articles

After the doves cry, and the purple rain, there’s the IRS and their Form 706; the estate tax. Prince Rogers Nelson (his real name) left millions of adoring fans saddened when he died suddenly at age 57...

One of my pet peeves is when someone says, “My lawyer says I don’t need a Trust because my estate isn’t over $5.49 million” (the current allowable federal exemption from death taxes-2017), to which I respond...

Many of you are probably thinking, “Oh yeah, estate planning, that interests me about as much as a root canal. And it may be as painful too!” Well, it isn’t and as an added bonus, you get to...