Legacy LifeLines™ Legal Services
All “Educational Workshops” are now held at the Law Office of Jack W. Bolling
1550. N. Milford Road, Suite 204
Milford, MI 48381>
Included in your no cost/no obligation initial consultation we will provide all the important “workshop” information for you regarding estate planning and related matters! Learn what you need to know to create a workable estate plan!
Many folks think that estate planning is planning to die! Completely not true! A good comprehensive estate plan, tailored to you and your family and your unique wishes and intentions, is invaluable while living and can also serve your estate once you are gone. I like to say, “Stay in control even if you aren’t in control!”
We have successfully provided these workshops since 2006 through Huron Valley Schools Continuing Education but, we now offer them at our office exclusively for your convenience!
The Medicaid and Estate Settlement “workshops” are available upon request and are most often no cost/no obligation or they can be incorporated into an initial consultation and are based upon availability.

Presented by Jack W. Bolling, Esq
Topics Include:
- Counseling vs. word processing – what are you really paying for
- Living wills
- Powers of attorney
- Probate – what is it?
- Why most living trusts do not work when needed and do not avoid probate as planned
- Leave your assets to loved ones potentially protected from divorce/creditors
- How legal fees are determined and strategies to significantly reduce your overall costs
- What is trust funding and why is it ESSENTIAL to the success of a living trust
- How often should I update my estate plan
- Types of taxes and more!

Presented by Jack W. Bolling, Esq
Estate Settlement Workshop
Or What Do I Have to Do When Someone Dies (and I’m in Charge!)
Discover that when someone dies their stuff officially becomes their “estate.” Discover that title to assets controls, and things can change or be re-defined after death as part of the “estate” which can sometimes produce unwanted results or expenses that are against the wishes and intent of the decedent.
There will be many tasks to be performed on behalf of the decedent and now the “estate.” Many of the tasks are statutory (required by law) and many are required by the decedent’s instructions. The workshop will educate you in plain language about all aspects, including things like:
- Learn the difference between trust and probate estate administration
- Learn when court involvement is a must (probate) regardless of the decedent’s intent
- Learn what you must do under the law, both with the state/county and the IRS, and how to do it
- Learn what bills must be paid and which ones not
- Learn who pays for what and when
- Learn to deal with beneficiaries, siblings, creditors, etc., and much more.
Leave the workshop assured that if you are left in charge you will bear no personal responsibility for any “estate” issues if you perform properly, and you can take pleasure in knowing that you have helped your family.

Presented by Jack W. Bolling, Esq
Learn the real facts of Medicaid law! Dispel the multitude of dangerous myths and misconceptions associated with obtaining Medicaid eligibility. Learn how to: save up to 100% of your assets; pass them to your loved ones and not the long-term care facility; avoid unwitting, catastrophic asset spend down; avoid pitfalls. The course focuses on nursing home Medicaid for married and single applicants.